Who We Are
Professional Curriculum
Eraldo Antonini graduated from the University of Bologna in Agricultural Sciences and teaches as contract professor, "Restoration, rehabilitation, preservation, reconstruction / evocation of historic gardens" at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, degree in Science of Cultural Heritage, where he also taught "Urban Reforestation and Forestry." He is, technical and scientific editor of the journal “Giardini” since 2000. Member of the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) and the Italian Society of Arboriculture (SIA).
He had consultancy contracts about management of tree-lined roads and parks and tree stability assessment including public administrations among which we recall: Municipality of Marano Vicentino (Vi), Municipality of Fermo (Marche), Municipality of Soliera (Mo), Municipality of Campogalliano (Mo), Municipality of Pegognaga (Mn), Municipality of Concordia (Mo), Municipality of Mirandola (Mo), Botanical Garden of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, AGAC (Gas and Water Company) of Reggio Emilia, Municipality of Calderara di Reno (BO), Region Piedmont - Institute of Management Special Nature Reserve of Sacro Monte Calvario of Domodossola, Municipality of Rubiera (RE), Municipality of Vignola (Mo).
He had consultancy contracts within the historic gardens among which include: Municipality of Anzio (Rome) within the projects for the Jubilee of 2000, with a team coordinated by the Studio Mastrella of Rome, consultancy about archaeological park owned by the Municipality of Anzio (Rome) (historical research, identification of plants used by the Romans in their gardens, the plan for the evocation of a Roman garden and botanical path of the plants used by the Romans in the gardens); Municipality of Formigine, consultancy contract for the study of a project for the restoration of the historical garden of Villa Gandini and for the enhancement of the park of the Resistance; Botanical Garden of University of Modena, research of historical documentation relating to the Botanical Gardens, the cultivated species and botanists; Consultancy contract for the masterplan (guidelines for the restoration and conservation) of the counts Coronini Cronberg's historic garden - Coronini - Cronberg Foundation Onlus of Gorizia, 2008-2009; Municipality of Castelfranco Emilia, Consultancy contract for the "Preparation of a study prior to the landscaping and the botanical complex of Villa Sorra's garden "(Castelfranco Emilia), 2002-2003; Municipality of Modena, preliminary and final plans for the restoration of the “italian garden” at Largo Garibaldi in Modena, 2002; Municipality of Modena, the final project for the restoration of the garden of Piazzale del Risorgimento, 2011; project restoration on the garden of Casiglia, already owned by the Pio family and the Este, Dukes of Modena (from Caesar I to Hercules III), the current seat of the Assopiastrelle (EdiCer Spa), Sassuolo (Mo), from 2001 to 2003.
He has designed and project-managed a large number of private gardens among which include:
- Design and project-management for the garden of Villa Barbiano - Aviation Group Companies of Parma, 1998.
- Design and project-management of the garden of the Company SCE Modena 2001-2002.
- Design and project-management of the garden of the estate of Tenuta San Michele in Palaia (Siena), 1998-1999.
- Design and project-management of the garden "The Court of Pomegranates" of Finedis Spa, Modena 2005-2006.
- Award for "Best garden project of new trends," (project title: Between Heaven and Earth) assigned to the international festival of gardens Modena Garden Festival, 1998 edition, the jury chaired by Clare Littlewood landscape of the European Federation of Landscape Architecture.
- E. Antonini, R. Ronchetti, “A tree for every child. Instructions for use without abuse of the trees” volume (unpublished) popular character on the care and culture of trees, awarded by the Agricultural School of the Park of Monza at Miflor (international fair of floriculture) Milan, 1996 edition.
- Winner of the "2006 Sustainability Award" for the category of urban planning in the Province of Modena, with the project "The city in the forest" prepared for the Municipality of Mirandola.
Eraldo Antonini is author or co-author of numerous scientific and educational publications on historic gardens and landscape history among which we recall:
- E. Antonini, Ars topiary in Este's gardens in Margherita Azzi Visentini (ed.) Topiary;
- Architecture and sculpture vegetable in the western garden from antiquity to the present, "Necklace of Memories Foundation Benetton";
- Proceedings of the international conference on "Topiary. Architectures and vegetable sculptures ", 14-15 October 2000;
- E. Antonini, "The garden failure. Places in the natural and artificial land of Campogalliano", Carpi 1998;
- E. Antonini (ed.), "In a superb retreat. The ducal garden of Sassuolo”, Modena, 1999;
- E. Antonini, "The park of Villa Gandini and gardens of Modena in the nineteenth century" in Villa Gandini. Neoclassical of Modena (by Nicoletta Brigati and Vincenzo Vandelli), Reggio Emilia 2002;
- E. Antonini, G. Muzzioli, Historic Gardens of Emilia Romagna, vol. I (provinces of Emilia), publication of the Banca Popolare dell’ Emilia Romagna, Villa Verrucchio (RN) 2007;
- E. Antonini, G. Muzzioli, Historic Gardens of Emilia Romagna, vol. II (provinces of Romagna, Bologna and Ferrara), publication of the Banca Popolare dell’ Emilia Romagna, Villa Verrucchio (RN) 2008;
- Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage, participation in the drafting of the '"Atlas biographies of Italian Gardens", publication sponsored by the Ministry of Culture (the writer was involved in the drafting of the items for the Province of Modena and, in part, to the Reggio Emilia), Rome, 2009;
- E. Antonini, C. Sola, "The hunting of Este. Hunting, environment and territory in the Duchy of Modena from 1598 to 1859 "(celebrations for the 400th anniversary of Modena Capital) in "Proceedings of the Deputation of Memories and History for the old provinces of Modena" series XI, vol. XXI (1998);
- E. Antonini, D. Dallai, C. Del Prete, "Gardens in the Duchy of Modena in the nineteenth century", Proceedings of the Colloquium organized by the Italian Botanical Society on "Methodologies for the study of historical gardens" 14 to 16 May 1999, San Quirico d'Orcia (Siena);
- E. Antonini, Dossier trees: the mistakes to avoid (an analysis of the most common stereotypes that lead to incorrect management of the trees, especially in urban areas) "Giardini", October 1995.;
- E. Antonini, The language of trees , in "Giardini", June 1996;
- E. Antonini, News for the health of the trees, in "Giardini", September 1997;
- E. Antonini, Andre Le Notre, the gardener of the King, "Il Giardino Fiorito", n. 1/2, January / February 1996;
- E. Antonini, Landscaping, painting and nature, "Il Giardino Fiorito", n. 3, March 1996, p. 69;
- E. Antonini, The Italian garden: production and delight, "The Flower Garden", n. 4, April 1996, p. 4;
- E. Antonini, the Villa Rivalta: the little Versailles, "Il Giardino Fiorito", n. 5, May 1996, p. 70;
- E. Antonini, Versailles or the capture of the infinite, "Il Giardino Fiorito", n. 6, June 1996, p. 75;
- E. Antonini, Ornamental plants in the roman garden , "Il Giardino Fiorito", 7/8, July / August 1996, p. 66
- E. Antonini, Renovatio. The continuity of the Roman garden , "Il Giardino Fiorito", n. 9, September 1996, p. 70;
- E. Antonini, The roots of the romantic garden, "Il Giardino Fiorito", n. 10, October 1996, p. 72;
- E. Antonini, The statues in the gardens. Sculpture, antiques and rovinismo, "Il Giardino Fiorito", n. November 11, 1996, p. 69;
- E. Antonini, The construction of the garden, "Giardini", n. 240, January-February 2010, p. 88-93;
- E. Antonini, The structural elements of the garden, "Giardini", n. 241, March 2010, p. 96-101;
- E. Antonini (edited on behalf of the Logos) was technical coordinator of the volume n. 12 Living the Green series "House" Library-L'Espresso Repubblica, 2006 ;
He has participated as a speaker at numerous local, national and international conferences on historic gardens. Among these are:
- Conference organized by the Italian Botanical Society on "Methodologies for the study of historical gardens" 14 to 16 May 1999, San Quirico d'Orcia (Siena), in a communication entitled: Gardens in the Duchy of Modena in the nineteenth century.
- Take part in the conference "The landscape and its architecture" Villa Cavazza, Solara Bomporto, April 16, 2005, organized by the Association of Architects, Planners, Landscape Conservatives, the Order of Doctors of Agronomy and Doctors of Forestry and the Order of Engineers with a communication on “The landscape and the restoration of historic gardens”.
- Public Lecture "The roots of the romantic garden" in the exhibition "Antonio Saliola. Havens ", organized by the Culture of the Province of Mantova, Mantova, Casa del Mantegna, April 12, 2002.
- Take part in the international conference on "Topiary. Architectures and vegetable sculptures ", 14-15 October 2000, organized by "Grandi Giardini Italiani" under the patronage of the Ministry of Environment, Villa Arvedi, Gazzada (Verona) with a report entitled: Ars topiary in the Este's ducal gardens.
- PTake part in the conference "The Oils of Emilian hills" Council Chamber of the City of Castelvetro (MO), 28 February 2009, organized by the Municipality of Castelvetro (Modena), sponsored by the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, tby he Province of Modena, by Ibimet by CNR, by CRPA, with a communication entitled: Mediterranean plants in the landscape foothills (historical study, unpublished, on the presence of some Mediterranean plants and olive trees in the landscape and gardens foothill of the province of Modena).
He has given lectures in professional training and public conferences on the restoration of historic gardens, the design and management of urban green spaces, pruning techniques and stability of the trees. Among these are:
- Conference "The tree and the man: a possible coexistence?", Organized by the Geat, Riccione, November 30, 1998 with a communication entitled: “Trees, shrubs and perennials for urban design: selection criteria”.
- Municipality of Pegognaga (Mn), Department of Ecology:
. "The culture of the garden. Theory and practice of gardening: garden history from its origins to the present day ", April-May 1997.
. "The culture of the garden. Theory and practice of gardening ideas guide the construction of a small garden ", April-May 1998.
. "The culture of the garden. Theory and practice of gardening: the design of the garden ", April-May 1999. - Municipality of Gonzaga (Mn), Department of Environment
"The culture of the garden. Gardening course theory and practice ", Spring 2001. - City of Cinisello Balsamo (Mi), course for municipal technicians on: "Elements project for public green spaces", May 1997.
- City of Cinisello Balsamo (Mi), course for municipal technicians on: “Restoration of historic gardens”, in May 1997..
- Municipality of Modena, course for municipal technicians on: “Techniques for pruning shrubs”, October 1997.
- Town of Caltagirone (Ct), course for municipal technicians on: “Design of urban green spaces”, October 2000.
- Town of Caltagirone (Ct), course for municipal technicians on: “Design of street furniture” , October 2000.
Organization of events related to the gardens and gardening:
- Has organized the National Study Day on "Management of urban green spaces, historical and monumental" organized by the Botanical Garden of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, the Municipality of Modena and Arbotech, Modena, October 28, 1998 .
- Has organized, on behalf of the magazine "Giardini" and in collaboration with Messe of Genoa, in Euroflora, a series of meetings over the gardens, Genoa Fieracongressi, April 2001.
- Was responsible for the general organization of "Esposizione de 'Fiori - Garden Show" exhibition of rare and unusual plants and divulging activities concerning the ornamental botany and environmental issues, which are held annually in Modena, in the Ducal Park and in University Botanical Garden in late May (2000-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2007 editions).