Benefits of gardensThe green places pertaining to companies and workplaces in general, according to studies carried out by some American universities, allow you to create places to live.
In particular, the corporate garden improves the quality of the working environment induces a decrease of stress and conflict among people improving or facilitating interpersonal relationships.
For the exercises and businesses such as shops, showrooms / dealers, farm, hypermarkets, supermarkets and large retail in general, the areas belonging equipped garden, as demonstrated by scientific studies, attract more audiences in so far as they are find in a pleasant and enjoyable. The gardens business, thanks to their vegetable component, determine the improvement of microclimate, fixing the CO2, purify the air and contribute to the reduction of noise.
- Improvement of microclimate in particular, reduction of temperature due to the interception of sunlight incident on the part of the foliage of the plants (trees in particular) which results in the emission of water vapor due to the processes of evapotranspiration. Plant cover equal to 30% of the surface, in an area of 800 square meters., Absorbs about 1.2 million kilocalories, subtracting environment. This allows, in the hottest periods, to lower the temperature several degrees (up to 10/15 ° C).
- CO2 fixation trees absorb carbon dioxide that is stored in the form of cellulose, a structural component of the cell wall. In this way there is a reduction of the greenhouse effect. A 1 hectare of forest, consisting of trees in good health and of medium size, can get to absorb 5 tons of carbon / year.
- Air purification by adsorption of atmospheric dust that can be reduced to 1/3, mainly due to species with a wide crown and a dense texture of the foliage, with leaves tomentose or covered with a thin layer of resin or waxy substances.
1. Design
Our projects of corporate gardens take into account the aesthetic and functional aspects, aiming to create an agreable environment that stimulates a pleasant stay in the place. We dedicate special attention to the relationship with what is around the whole garden so as to shield it from the noise elements (roads, other buildings, railway lines) and highlight the elements of the landscape, when these are present in order to strengthen the identity of the garden itself borrowing the landscape. Based on the needs of the property we can choose plants low-maintenance for the garden design while ensuring an optimal aesthetic result and the reduction of the annual costs of ownership.
2. Project management
We can help you find the right contractor for your build. As a rule, we recommend that at least two or three competitive quotations are obtained to evaluate contractors capable of performing individual jobs (floors, irrigation system, lighting, swimming pool, planting of trees, shrubs, grass and lawn).
We supervise and oversee the entire process, verifying the quality of the materials provided, and checking that the various processes are performed in a workmanlike manner. This allows you to sit back and relax, confident in the knowledge that any queries on the garden design or implementation will be quickly resolved and that all of your expectations will be met.
3. Maintenance
Upon request we provide information on the maintenance plan to be carried out properly and promptly all maintenance operations necessary to the harmonious development of the plants.
Provide, upon request, advice for training you or your staff for maintenance (mode and time of pruning, control of major diseases of plants, weeding and its periodicity, irrigation monitoring, periodic visual inspections).